Forum Activity for @michael

08/07/23 10:22:18PM
7,793 posts

The Plan To Fix New Youtube Channel Names?

Using Jamroom

What are the steps you're expecting to have happen but don't work? Sounds like this is a new feature to be added request if the old way still also needs to be supported.

Where do I find my Handle at youtube?

What is an example of a handle? Here is the jamroom youtube channel:

updated by @michael: 08/07/23 10:56:13PM
08/03/23 04:20:12AM
7,793 posts

select all check box

Using Jamroom

I'm not available at this time, too much work on. If someone else wants to build this for izhmel please jump in.
08/03/23 04:19:09AM
7,793 posts

convert executable

Using Jamroom

Ask your hosting company what the correct path is. If you're using very cheap shared hosting its possible its not available on your server.

Jamroom tries to package widely compatible binaries in the updates but if they don't work for your server you are able to use the servers own versions.
08/01/23 08:40:32PM
7,793 posts

select all check box

Using Jamroom

There is not.

There is a "Reset System" button at MODULES -> DEVELOPER -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> RESET SYSTEM.

which will wipe the entire system.

Or you could go into the developer tools -> database admin and selectively delete the profile ids you're after from the

tables which holds all the profile info. Be careful in there though there is no restore option if you make a mistake and its easy to destroy your system.

The third option would be to build a module to select and delete the profiles you're after.
07/28/23 10:28:20PM
7,793 posts

Market place

Using Jamroom

You've got a couple of different accounts on Make sure you are using the key in your site from the account that purchased the modules.

got to the ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT SETTINGS button on the top of this page, then to the JAMROOM SITES tab to see the key that should be in use.
06/28/23 06:03:54AM
7,793 posts

update stream count by 1 seem impossible

Jamroom Developers

send the admin login deteails to support at jamroom dot net and I'll login and see if there's a cleaner data value we can use. (tomorrow, late here.)
06/27/23 06:03:30PM
7,793 posts

update stream count by 1 seem impossible

Jamroom Developers

If you can get that search "// Get all audio files that are part of this album" lined up with the song that needs incrementing then incrementing will happen. Right now your search is not finding the song to increment.
06/27/23 05:56:22PM
7,793 posts

update stream count by 1 seem impossible

Jamroom Developers

What Im seeing is that whenever the shoutcast stream changes from one song to another many thing happen, one of which is the /update url is called. That just happened and this URL was generated:

Even changing that to the correct update variable the update still fails:

The reason is that the search for that song is not found or the profile is not found. Do you have a profile on your site for "Fetty Wap"? and does that profile have a song in their audio list called "Trap Queen".

It could be formatting, and probably would be best to use cleaner variables to search on like the audio_title_url if that exists and the profile_url if that exists.
06/27/23 05:36:55PM
7,793 posts

update stream count by 1 seem impossible

Jamroom Developers

The URL that should be being used in the /update currently is:
but that should be

Alternatively if you don't know what is causing that url to be like that then changing the _update() function to allow ?audio_title works too, use this function:
function view_jrShoutcastPlayer_update($_post, $_user, $_conf) {
    if (!isset($_post['song']) || strlen($_post['song']) == 0) {
        return jrCore_json_response(array('error' => 'invalid song title'));
    if (!isset($_post['profile_name']) || strlen($_post['song']) == 0) {
        return jrCore_json_response(array('error' => 'invalid profile name'));
    // Get all audio files that are part of this album
    $_sp = array(
        'search'                       => array(
            "audio_title = {$_post['song']}",
           "profile_name = {$_post['profile_name']}",
		 // jake put in kod
         "audio_artist = {$_post['profile_name']}",
		  // SLUT JAKE

        'return_keys'                  => array('_item_id'),
        'exclude_jrUser_keys'          => true,
        'exclude_jrProfile_quota_keys' => true,
        'order_by'                     => array('_created' => 'numerical_asc'),
        'limit'                        => 1
    $_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('jrAudio', $_sp);
    if (isset($_rt) && is_array($_rt)) {
        return jrCore_json_response(array('success' => 1));
    return jrCore_json_response(array('error' => 'update failed'));
function view_jrShoutcastPlayer_update($_post, $_user, $_conf)
{ jrCore_validate_location_url(); $title = ''; if (!empty($_post['song'])) { $title = $_post['song']; } elseif (!empty($_post['audio_title'])) { $title = $_post['audio_title']; } if (!empty($title)) { return jrCore_json_response(array('error' => 'invalid song title')); } if (!isset($_post['profile_name'])) { return jrCore_json_response(array('error' => 'invalid profile name')); } // Get all audio files that are part of this album $_sp = array( 'search' => array( "audio_title = {$title}", "profile_name = {$_post['profile_name']}", // jake put in kod "audio_artist = {$_post['profile_name']}", // SLUT JAKE ), 'return_keys' => array('_item_id'), 'exclude_jrUser_keys' => true, 'exclude_jrProfile_quota_keys' => true, 'order_by' => array('_created' => 'numerical_asc'), 'limit' => 1 ); $_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('jrAudio', $_sp); if (isset($_rt) && is_array($_rt)) { jrCore_db_increment_key('jrAudio', $_rt['_items'][0]['_item_id'], 'audio_file_stream_count', 1, true); return jrCore_json_response(array('success' => 1)); } return jrCore_json_response(array('error' => 'update failed')); }

updated by @michael: 06/27/23 05:42:06PM
06/26/23 09:47:12PM
7,793 posts

update stream count by 1 seem impossible

Jamroom Developers

The stand alone 'Pop Up' player is on this url:

There's a link to it from the /radio page.

From within that page there is a call to /update :

That is returning
error: "Invalid Song Title".

That seems like it could be why the incrementing is not happening perhaps.

There's also a lot of GET requests to itunes going on which seems unusual.

The GET requests are to itunes to get the album covers.
1.jpg 1.jpg - 20KB

updated by @michael: 06/26/23 09:52:33PM